Dalivavau programoje, kuri mane išvedė iš komforto zonos ir turėjau įsipareigoti ne tik prieš save, bet ir prieš kitas projekto dalyves. Ir surašius tikslus siekti jų. Man sekėsi puikiai, didžiuojuosi savimi, išmokau daug naujų dalykų , svarbiausia išmokau planuoti ir į tikslus pažvelgti kitaip. Tai man davė pasitikėjimo savimi, jaučiuos tvirčiau ir savarankiškai galiu dirbti su savimi toliau. Ačiū Rita už "Simple stunning success" projektą. - Kristina Juknė
Wow, the session with Rita was deep and intense. I had never experienced time line therapy before and didn't really know what to expect. Rita was patient, explained everything and it was amazing to feel the negative emotions dissolve away. I can totally recommend Rita and timeline therapy. - Lucy Tobias
Dziaugiuosi susipazinusi su Rita ir buvo visiskai netiketai kai laimejau nemokama konsultacija, nes tada tikrai reikejo patarimo ir pagalbos .😊🤗
Rita padejo labiau atrasti save, susitvarkyti su emocijomis, is naujo svajoti ir siekti savo tikslo. Taip pat atsakyti I savo klausymus kas? kodel? ( laiko juostos terapija)
Esu dalyvavusi Ritos programose tai pat ir naudoju jos metodus iki dabar.
Tikrai rekomenduoju !🤗👌🤗
I am very happy to meet Rita.🤗🌸🌼
She helped with my emotions.( time line therapy)
I was struggling with my goals as well.
But she gave perfect advice, and had weekly calls.
I still use her methods until now.
I highly recommend Rita 🤗👌💯
Džiaugiuosi susipažinusi su Rita, nors pažintis buvo trumpa bet iš FB puslapio matau kas yra padaryta ir daroma. Pati naudojuiso Ritos patarimais turiu koučerę ir žinau kokia svarbi yra Ritos pagalba. Rekomnduoju jungtis į šį turiningą puslapį ir šią idomią grupę su profesionale vadove Rita Grineviciene
"I got to know Rita 1.5 years ago, through Facebook. I've never been too much confident in myself. When I've started my own business, I needed help and motivation. I did not know what to start, how to focus on goals and how to achieve them, it's known to grow up and depression, constant stress and worry.
I decided to take part in several Rita’s programs, which helped me concentrate on my goals. Every week I was writing my plans and tried to implement it. With Rita's support and therapies, I finally began to feel more confident and brighter future. When I was facing the challenges, Rita always advised and helped to overcome my doubts or limiting beliefs.
My business is growing every single day. I have done already my training program, which I would never even thought about it.
I will be always grateful to Rita, because she is not only a kind person, but also she truly helps others! So, thank you to her and hope that our friendship will last a long time. - E.R. "